Cotton wool buds whilst great for makeup, should be avoided at all costs when dealing with the ears. (Just check your internet for “cotton buds in ears” and you’ll see videos to make you wince!)
Over the counter sprays and dissolving ear drops may soften the wax aiding the wax to come out naturally if there is a small build up but will not help if ear canal is blocked.
Like cotton wool buds, using gadgets bought over the internet can make matters worse by compacting the wax further or pushing it down onto the ear drum or damaging the tissues of the ear canal.
At Binns Hearing, we are able to offer clients a range of solutions for the removal of ear wax. This starts with video orthoscopy where we are able to show and explain to clients exactly what we are able to see in the ear canal, advise them on the general health of the ear canal, how much wax build up they have and offer a suitable solution on how to deal with any build ups we can see. (If you don’t want to see don’t worry you don’t have to see it)